full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Cleo Wade: Want to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The world will say to you, "There is so much hate." Devote yourself to love. Love yourself so much that you can love others without barriers and without jnmduget. When the world asks us big questions that require big ansrwes, we have two opnitos. One: to feel so overwhelmed or unqualified, we do nothing. Two: to start with one small act and qualify ourselves. I am the director of national seiucrty, and so are you. Maybe no one appointed us and there were no senate confirmations, but we can secure a niaton. When you help just one person to be more secure, a nation is more scerue. With just one outstretched hand that says, "Are you OK? I am here for you," we can transform insecurity into security.

Open Cloze

The world will say to you, "There is so much hate." Devote yourself to love. Love yourself so much that you can love others without barriers and without ________. When the world asks us big questions that require big _______, we have two _______. One: to feel so overwhelmed or unqualified, we do nothing. Two: to start with one small act and qualify ourselves. I am the director of national ________, and so are you. Maybe no one appointed us and there were no senate confirmations, but we can secure a ______. When you help just one person to be more secure, a nation is more ______. With just one outstretched hand that says, "Are you OK? I am here for you," we can transform insecurity into security.


  1. judgment
  2. security
  3. nation
  4. secure
  5. options
  6. answers

Original Text

The world will say to you, "There is so much hate." Devote yourself to love. Love yourself so much that you can love others without barriers and without judgment. When the world asks us big questions that require big answers, we have two options. One: to feel so overwhelmed or unqualified, we do nothing. Two: to start with one small act and qualify ourselves. I am the director of national security, and so are you. Maybe no one appointed us and there were no senate confirmations, but we can secure a nation. When you help just one person to be more secure, a nation is more secure. With just one outstretched hand that says, "Are you OK? I am here for you," we can transform insecurity into security.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
find truth 2

Important Words

  1. act
  2. answers
  3. appointed
  4. asks
  5. barriers
  6. big
  7. confirmations
  8. devote
  9. director
  10. feel
  11. hand
  12. hate
  13. insecurity
  14. judgment
  15. love
  16. nation
  17. national
  18. options
  19. outstretched
  20. overwhelmed
  21. person
  22. qualify
  23. questions
  24. require
  25. secure
  26. security
  27. senate
  28. small
  29. start
  30. transform
  31. unqualified
  32. world